Volunteer Service

Growth through Service

Growth initially started through Ann Arbor First United Methodist Church, MI. Our founders, in 2004, led a team of 44 volunteers to Kithoka on a service trip. 

In 2012, service opportunities spread to Park City Community Church in Utah. This provided additional, significant support for outreach to Kithoka .

In the years since, over 250 volunteers have made the journey from the US to Kenya. Volunteers help strengthen and create opportunities and, more importantly, grow strong relationships with the Kithoka community.

KUEF is truly an ALL VOLUNTEER organization

and has no employees.

volunteer opportunities

Volunteer Service Trips are typically organized by a member of the KUEF Board of Directors. Future opportunities will be announced HERE.

At times, specific skills are needed. Currently, specialists from SCORE, Eclectic Brew Productions and Laura Leach Non-profit Support are volunteering their expertise in graphic design, marketing and fundraising.

KUEF requests volunteer assistance as needed.

We are creating resources for groups interested in fundraising for specific programs and funding goals.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others.” 

– Mahatma Ghandi