About KUEF

kithoka, Kenya

Seven miles north of the Equator and forty-six miles east of Mt. Kenya, Kithoka is a beautiful rural area. The majority live without electricity and running water in simple homes. Most have a “Shamba” or small garden to feed their family. A few have chickens, a goat or maybe a cow. Agriculture is the prevalent means of livelihood. The majority of households make less than $3.20 per day. Water must be carried, firewood gathered and food insecurity is high due to the improbability of the annual rains.

Kenya is in East Africa, on the Equator.

a Kenyan Cornfield December 2003…

Walking together across his cornfield with two visitors from the US, Kenyan Bishop, Lawi Imathiu, a renown local leader and past president of World Methodist Council, shared his vision to transform his rural Kithoka community by creating an affordable “day” secondary school on this location.

The prevalent model for secondary education was “Boarding Schools;” unaffordable and inaccessible for 96% of local youth. A “Day School” means students live at home.

Recognizing the power of education to create opportunity compelled KUEF Founders to embrace Bishop’s vision and build the school.

The Bishop donated the land and initiated the school. The community manually dug and layed the foundations. KUEF raised and provided the funds for building materials and labor. Local Kenyan builders constructed the school.

Twenty years later, BLISS has greatly expanded and is thriving.

Foundational Principles

Realizing the requirements of this initiative and our vision were extensive, we formed the Kenya Urithi Education Fund.  KUEF was incorporated on September 9, 2008 in the state of Michigan. The U.S. IRS granted KUEF 501(c)(3) Public Charity status in 2009. 

  • KUEF first intent is to see education flourish in Kithoika as a means of addressing poverty through the opportunities it provides. This is embedded in our identity: the “U” in KUEF. “Urithi,” means “to nourish, enrich or, literally, to feed.”

  • Our desire is to build authentic partnerships in Kithoka, listening carefully and responding to need as prioritized by our partners. We do not “fix” things but rather grow in understanding and “fill the gaps” where we are requested and able.

  • First priorities are meeting basic needs and removing barriers that prevent children from attending school.

  • Focus is beyond charity to have a lasting impact. We call this a “Hand Up” rather than a “Hand Out.” Charity is needed in a crisis; development takes the long-range view by addressing core issues of poverty.

  • Facilities and program development were shaped by these principals.

“Passion, skills and need led to partnering with the Kithoka community to build BLISS, Bishop Lawi Imathiu Secondary School, to develop educational opportunities for a first generation.” 

- Beth Miller, KUEF Executive Director


Over the past twenty years BLISS has become a remarkable campus due to the partnership between the local community and KUEF. Check out our HISTORY link (below) to understand the extent of our work.

  • KUEF Programs yearly eliminate major obstacles to education for about 1,800 children and youth.

  • Committed Kenyan teachers and staff faithfully provide excellent education in the face of challenging circumstances.

  • The results are remarkable. BLISS graduates are contributing to the community, some as local teachers.

  • The importance of Education in the community has grown significantly.

  • The “U” in KUEF, our intent to nourish education, is effective and ongoing.

  • Through this work, KUEF leaders and volunteers have also found meaning and “nourishment.”