
Help offer the gift of education

Our Scholarship Program

Annually grants 190 scholarships for both secondary and post-secondary education for BLISS students

  • KUEF scholarships target financially disadvantaged and high-achieving youth

  • School financial assistance delivers hope and opportunity

  • Each additional year of education generates competency, leadership, self-reliance and future health and well-being

  • Education is critical for breaking the poverty cycle

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

- Winston S. Churchill


KUEF now has two scholarship programs for BLISS graduates:  

“Kenya Scholarships” for the top two graduating seniors each year for university.  

“KUEF Scholars” offers 12 new BLISS grads scholarships annually including university, technical and vocational training. Students are supported for the extent of their training. 


In 2023, KUEF supported 157 current BLISS students by paying their school fees. Funds go directly to BLISS.  Lack of ability to pay school fees is a major barrier to secondary education for the majority.

Our Goal is to yearly increase the number of scholarships we offer .

“I hope that the spirit of love will prevail and more people will be touched to provide scholarships. In 2023, KUEF managed to give scholarships to 157 Students. This is a great milestone because no other organization has ever supported this number of students.”

- Moses Marete, Principal