
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

 -Margaret Mead

Aaka Kenya CBO Non-Profit

Strong Kenyan leadership at the local level is essential to administer and manage programs to ensure integrity and accountability from recipient organizations and individuals. Kenyan leaders established a parallel, non-profit organization, known as Aaka Kenya Community Based Organization (CBO), which is registered with the Kenyan government, to partner with KUEF and others. 

Moses Marete is President of Aaka Kenya. As the Principal at BLISS, he has set the standards high for staff and students. Moses’ vision for BLISS has resulted in it becoming a model “day” school for all of Kenya. A prominent member of Kithoka, Moses serves the community in numerous capacities. He is the President of the National consortium of Kenyan Methodist Church Schools. The exceptional performance and reputation of BLISS has only been possible due to Moses remarkable leadership. Moses’ character, integrity and ability to inspire motivates students and staff.

Dickson Gitobu, Chair of the BLISS School Board and secretary of Aaka Kenya is also a Kithoka native. Since BLISS’s inception, Dickson has served as an advisor and consultant. An influential local business man, he has supported Moses and garners support of the Kithoka community. Over the years, Dickson has quietly provided faithful support for schools in Kithoka and KUEF programs. He is the talented and skilled director of the Mwanika Methodist Church choir.

Dinah Gatakaa, treasurer for Aaka Kenya, works for the Kenyan Ministry of Education. Dinah is an active member of the Kithoka community and Mwanika Methodist Church, including the Choir and Women’s Fellowship.

KUEF Board of Directors

KUEF is governed by a six-member Board of Directors; each actively participating in the running of KUEF.  All members have made several trips to Kithoka and give generously of their time, skills and contributions.

John K. Kline, KUEF President, is from Ann Arbor, Michigan. John is a trial attorney, trained mediator, and managing partner in a small Ann Arbor law firm. John was a founding member of KUEF in 2008.  He provides strong & exceptional leadership and expert legal advice.  He is a strong advocate for KUEF’s Feeding Program and the BLISS Band. John freely gives his time to the development of school facilities, publicity for KUEF, fundraising and serves on KUEF’s finance committee. 

Beth Miller, KUEF Executive Director, resides in Woodland Hills, UT.  She retired from a career in education, including writing/editing curriculum and resources.  Her work in Kenya began before the 2003 invitation to Kithoka, focusing on building strong relationships with Kenyan partners. She originated KUEF with Gary and John. Beth’s skills include: advocacy, program development, communication, fundraising and establishing ideology. She is a champion for cultural sensitivity. Through this work, she ascertained transformational experiences for volunteers, impacting their world view and self-understanding.

Gary McClusky, KUEF Treasurer, retired from a career in Scientific Research and Management. He divides his time between Dexter, MI and Grand Rapids. Gary's journey to Kenya also began in 2003 and his commitment to the Kithoka community remains strong. Gary's financial and organizational skills have shaped KUEF. He is always on top of best practices in finance. Gary has led numerous volunteer teams to Kenya with an emphasis on building partnerships. Gary has managed the student scholarship program since its inception and the development of school facilities. Gary gives freely to all aspects of KUEF.

Alan Metz, KUEF Secretary, is a Veterinarian / Pathologist from Pinckney, MI.  Al was introduced to Kithoka through a volunteer service trip.  He has returned numerous times and in 2014 was invited to serve on the Board. Al's skills have led him to work closely with the development of the Science Labs at BLISS.  He makes sure the science labs are well equipped. He has interests in all things agricultural and biological.  Al enjoys teaching Biology and interacting with Agriculture students and Farm Managers at the Primary and Secondary Schools.

Brian Ward, Director at Large, is the PCCC Kenya representative and volunteer service trip leader from Park City, Utah, Brian is a Biotechnology Consultant and Scientist. Brian joined the KUEF Board in 2016. He has made numerous trips to Kithoka as a volunteer, trip leader and board member. Brian’s compassion and dedication are valued. Brian’s labs on DNA in the Kenyan secondary schools are a favorite of the students. Brian is an avid promoter of KUEF and fundraiser.

Tom Case, Director at Large, joined the Board, following his 4th volunteer trip with his wife, Lisa, fall of 2023.  Tom lives in Park City, UT. Currently Tom is Managing Principal at TCM Services, LLC. Tom brings a wealth of experience and understanding of project development and management. His skills in driving organizational improvements find strategic solutions for the future. Tom is chair of the new Website development. Tom was critical in developing KUEF’s partnership with PCCC in 2012 as the Chair of Missions. Most importantly, Tom brings passion for the mission and work of KUEF.

Program Directors for Girls Education, Period!

Alice Karamuta, Kenya Program Director, is deputy principal at BLISS and earned a Master’s degree from Chuka University. Alice plays an active role in assessing community and school needs. She works closely with the teacher and student representatives from the five schools served through this program. Passionate about empowering youth, especially young women, Alice understands the issues and challenges girls face not only at BLISS, but in the community. Since "Girls Education, Period!" started, she has witnessed transformation among female students with reduced absenteeism and increased academic performance.

Megan Peck, US Program Director, volunteered 5 months in Kithoka the fall of 2003. While living in Kithoka, 2010-11, Megan was the architect of Girls Education, Period! and the primary school Feeding Programs with her husband, Spencer. Megan has a PhD in Environmental Health. Her resume includes work at the Rwandan Ministry of Health and the FAO of the United Nations in Southeast Asia. Currently employed as an Epidemiologist by the U.S. Gov. in Global Health, her primary work focuses on the African continent. Atlanta, GA is her home base.


“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy.
I woke and I saw that life is all service.
I served and I saw that service is joy.”

 -Rabindranath Tagore