Girls Education PERIOD!

Removing barriers to education for young women in rural Kenya

“Many used to sit at home using plastic bags or newspapers, whatever we could find. Of course, we missed school. Before this program we felt isolated and stigmatized”

Quote from female student at BLISS

Making sure girls can attend school every day, pERIOD!

One simple solution to increase female school attendance in Kenya is to provide free sanitary pads to female students during the school year. Without this support, many girls were absent up to 25% of their school days, often dropping out before graduating and few if any, qualified for University. Now, a significant number of girls qualify for government university scholarships.

Educating women by enabling their attendance at schools results in healthier families, lower infant mortality rates, reduced family size and is one of the most effective means of birth control.

annually Supports over 700 Girls

Evidence-based research and consultation with local partners, determined disposable sanitary pads were the most hygienic, cost effective, practical and culturally appropriate product to implement.

The program currently supports over 700 female students in two primary schools and three secondary day schools resulting in:

  • Lowered absentee and drop-out rates at school

  • Significant improvement in examination grades

  • Improved hygiene and health

  • Increased enrollment in University

  • Cultural stigmas toward menses have changed

Measurable Accomplishments of Girls Education PERIOD!

  • 14 years serving the community

  • over one million sanitary pads provided

  • 5 schools supported

  • 12,000+ girls impacted

  • 20,000+ pairs of underwear distributed

  • funded building of BLISS girls lavatory with toilets and sinks to improve public health

  • Scholarship fund for girls university & secondary school fees

Girls Education PERIOD! keeps girls in school. A donation of $15 provides 1 girl underwear and sanitary pads for a year.

Remove significant barriers to education for girls

We are seeking small groups of women or girls who want to make a difference by supporting twenty or more girls with supplies this year. Consider approaching your book club, yoga group, quilting circle, sports team, sorority or service group with this request to directly impact the future of Kenyan girls. Join the list of sponsoring groups. Asante Sana.

“Being ladies of integrity is our vision,
Changing the world is our mission,
We, the girls of BLISS,
Thank you
Girls Education, PERIOD!”

BLISS girls wrote a poem for Girls Education PERIOD! 09/22/2023