2023 Year in Review Report
Transforming Kenyan Youth Through Education
“KUEF is a community of compassionate people all over the U.S. and Kenya. Our compassion effectively transforms young lives through the opportunity education offers.”
— Beth Miller,
Executive Director
“I remain convinced that TOGETHER with our donors, in partnership with Park City Community Church, First United Methodist Church-Ann Arbor and the BLISS community, KUEF has achieved and will continue to achieve great strides to eliminate poverty through education."
— Dr. Brian Ward,
KUEF BOARD Member, Leader of PCCC ‘23 volunteer service program
“On behalf of the Bliss family, and myself, I sincerely thank the KUEF community for standing with us over the years. May our dear Lord continue providing. You have a heart of giving and sharing your blessings.”
— Moses Marete,
Bishop Lawi Imathiu Secondary School (BLISS) Principal
“Together” Celebrating BLISS’ Success
Students, Teachers, and Staff in 2023
“The National Exam (K.C.S.E.) results came and BLISS students have done very well. Overall results and specific subjects have improved. Fifteen students qualify for university, more than the previous year. Included are nine girls and six boys. The girls have performed better than the boys with a mean score of 4.2 compared to boys 3.8. Two girls tied for 1st place in the class. Over 50 students qualified for Higher Diploma courses. We are very proud as a school. The whole community is celebrating the results. On behalf of the entire school, let me sincerely thank KUEF for the support provided to produce these good results during a tough year.”
- Moses Marete,
BLISS Principal
In 2023 KUEF funded $98,897 in Grants & Programs in Kenya
Kenyan schools faced their most challenging year in 2023 due to economic crisis resulting in funding shortfalls.
The principal factors were:
Government failure to provide school operating funds
Hyperinflation and high cost of fuel and food imports
Poor harvests due to climate change

“TOGETHER” $19,345 Addressed Food Insecurity
BLISS Feeding Program : $15,013 Funded Through KUEF in 2023
BLISS currently serves porridge and lunch to almost 800 students daily. Sustaining the funding for this program is Moses’ number one priority and number one challenge.
A guiding principle is “KUEF will first meet basic needs before other priorities.” In August, the Board voted to address food emergency needs.
“First term prices of beans shot up 330%. Maize went up 450%. This made our (school lunch) budget at BLISS unachievable with student fees alone.”
- Moses Marete,
BLISS Principal
Kithoka and Gichunge
Primary Schools Feeding Program:
$4,332 Funded
By KUEF partners: Park City Community Church, UT and First United Methodist, Ann Arbor
Celebrating 12th Anniversary of KUEF Feeding Program
“TOGETHER” over 1.2 million cups of porridge have been served.
The results of providing vital nutrition include:
Improved school attendance and academic achievement
Students no longer fell asleep or faint from hunger
Combating hunger, malnutrition and poverty
Working to serve enriched porridge to students at Kithoka and Gichunge primary schools
“TOGETHER” KUEF partner, Nurture Our Children (NOC), a community committee, work to serve enriched porridge to students at Kithoka and Gichunge primary schools. Parents and community members contribute by planting and harvesting school gardens for the porridge. We are grateful to NOC volunteers and Delfina Muriuki from Kithoka for years of excellent service facilitating NOC.
"TOGETHER" granted $28,902 in Student Scholarships
KUEF awards current secondary and post-secondary education scholarships for disadvantaged and high-achieving youth at BLISS. BLISS teachers and staff identify students’ needs and accomplishments to receive scholarships. School financial assistance delivers hope and opportunity to generate competency, leadership, self-reliance and a brighter future.
“Together” donors supported 32 BLISS graduate scholarships for university and vocational programs.
KUEF now has two programs for BLISS graduates:
“Kenya Scholarships” for the top two graduating seniors each year for university.
“KUEF Scholars” offered 20 BLISS grads scholarships including university, technical and vocational training. Students are supported for the extent of their training.
BLISS Secondary Scholarships
This year KUEF supported 157 current BLISS students by paying their school fees. Funds go directly to BLISS.
"I am praying for this fund raiser that the spirit of love will prevail and more people will be touched to give. Last year KUEF managed to give scholarships to 157 Students. This catered for one year school fees. In total, a third of the BLISS students were able to benefit. This is a great milestone no other organization has ever supported quite this big number of students. Congratulations to KUEF Board of Directors and donors.”
- Moses Marete, Principal
“TOGETHER” $7,505 Provided Girls Access to Education
Celebrating KUEF’S Girls Education, Period! 12th Anniversary
“Education, Period!” provides biodegradable sanitary pads and underwear to over 800 girls in two primary schools and three secondary day schools. Mrs. Alice Karamuta, BLISS deputy principal, facilitates this program. In 2023, Mwiteria Secondary school, under the leadership of Mrs. Dorothy Mburugu, was added to the program. “Education, Period!” provides girls the opportunity to attend school every day of the month. The top two BLISS students in 2023 were girls.
“This was an absolute joy to be a part of. Such a profound privilege to be trusted with this deeply personal subject and information. The girls were beautiful, honest and so gracious. Thank you for asking me to be a part of this project.”
- Lisa Case, PCCC Team Member
A PCCC 2023 team led a girls’ workshop for 23 representatives of the schools and their teachers.
“TOGETHER” Provided $17,308 BLISS School Grant
for Revision Books, Science Lab Upgrade, Teacher and Staff Support
BLISS faced a very tough academic year in 2023. The second largest challenge at BLISS was paying teachers and staff as government cut operating payments. “Together” we were able to provide the funds for salaries for three months. The third science lab was equipped with gas lines in time for the seniors taking their national exams. Revision texts prepare students to perform well when they take national exams. The results have been notable as test scores keep improving. The result is more children qualifying for higher education.
“TOGETHER” PCCC Team Volunteers Served Our Projects in Kithoka $25,837
The 2023 Kenyan Service Project, sponsored by KUEF and PCCC, was very successful. For the 10 Volunteer team members, it was a life changing experience. Activities included teaching 15 classes in five different schools, and hosting workshops. We accomplished our primary goals of community building and strengthening KUEF partnerships.
“If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together.”
- (African Proverb)
From the Board of Directors:
Welcome to Tom Case,
newest member of the KUEF Board of Directors
Tom graciously accepted the invitation to join the Board, following his 4th volunteer trip with his wife, Lisa, last fall. Tom and Lisa live in Park City, UT. Currently Tom is Managing Principal at TCM Services, LLC. Tom brings a wealth of experience and understanding of project development, management, driving organizational improvements, and finding strategic solutions. Tom was critical in developing our partnership with PCCC in 2012 as the PCCC Chair of Missions. Most importantly, Tom brings passion for the mission and work of KUEF!
“TOGETHER” we are transforming Kenyan Youth
We affirm that working “TOGETHER,” to accomplish goals and meet needs that impact education, is of significant value. Thank you to the generous donors who gave $21,000 toward our 2024 budget in response to our 4th quarter email fund raiser. KUEF’s capacity to offer these life-changing opportunities is contingent on your faithful support. Please consider your contribution to the 2024 budget.
Asante Sana.
KUEF Board of Directors:
Beth Miller, Executive Director
John Kline, President
Alan Metz, Secretary
Gary McClusky, Treasurer
Brian Ward, Director at Large
Tom Case, Director at Large
Your tax-deductible gifts are needed to reach our fundraising goal of $65,000 “TOGETHER.”
For further program details, contact Beth Miller: bmiller@kuef.org